Matt Ramsey Review – Master Your Voice Singing Course
When I first saw Matt Ramsey teach singing on Youtube, he immediately caught my attention as an online voice teacher.
With the vast amount of online voice teachers on Youtube, you really have to stand out in some ways for me to watch you for more than 10 seconds. And Matt certainly did that for me!
Usually, when I see someone that young teaching voice, my stereotypical and ADHD mind would “suggest” to me that rookie is just another online voice teacher trying to make some bucks with his shallow understanding of the voice. But that’s totally not the case for Matt Ramsey.
My first impression of Matt was that he is very confident teaching singing in front of the camera – not the cocky kind of confidence, but he makes you feel that you are in good hands because he knows this great craft of singing and how to teach it.
When I finally looked into his complete vocal training program Master Your Voice, I was blown away by the quality of this singing program produced by a young voice teacher.
In this Matt Ramsey review, I will take you on a rare in-depth look into his Master Your Voice singing course.
Matt Ramsey’s Master Your Voice Review Summary
Description: A complete training program produced by voice teacher Matt Ramsey that includes training on all the essential technical areas of singing.
Price: $500 USD
Best for:
- Serious singers who are determined to take their voices to the next level.
- Singers of all levels.
Product Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Recommended: Yes
Who is Matt Ramsey? Is He a Legit Voice Teacher? Let’s find out…
Matt Ramsey is a voice teacher who founded the Ramsey Voice Studio in Austin, Texas.
Like me and so many of us who love to sing, Matt went through a period of vocal struggles when he started singing professionally during which his voice would be completely gone by the end of every performance.
Now, if you’re new at this, the experience of vocal struggles makes great voice teachers. I have experienced that first hand.
Generally, you don’t want a voice teacher who is a gifted singer, because they have no idea what you are going through as a voice student right now.
Matt Ramsey later became a certified voice teacher in Speech Level Singing, Institute of Vocal Advancement(IVA), and a member of the National Associations of Teachers of Singing(NATS).
Talk about certifications of vocal training, not just for singing, but for teaching voice which is another set of skills.

Matt Ramsey – A Master Communicator of Vocal Technique!
Other than the impressive voice teaching credentials under his belt, I think the biggest strength of Matt Ramsey is his communication skills.
Matt is a master in communicating those abstract vocal concepts, break them down into simple terms, and deliver them to his students so they could understand.
The way Matt Ramsey teaches in his vocal lessons is really sometimes voice teachers could all model after.
His attitude is warm and compassionate, his vocal method is solid and extremely effective, and his delivery is extremely clear and comprehensive.
If you are looking for a voice teacher or vocal training program, you need to remember that being great at singing does not equal being great at teaching. Nope!
But, for Matt Ramsey, I have to say that this is the type of voice teacher you want – supportive, technical, knowledgeable, and passionate!
An Inside Look into the awesome Master Your Voice singing course!
Enough is said about voice teacher Matt Ramsey himself. Let’s take an actual look at what’s inside the program.
This complete singing course covers almost everything you need to master your vocal technique.
The training curriculum is very extensive with 10 major training modules that includes numerous video lectures and audio training tracks on topics like vocal warmup, breath control, vocal agility, vocal power, belting, and many others.
One of the biggest strengths of this training curriculum is that the vocal method is heavily based on muscle coordination and vocal balance. In other words, it’s safe…and very effective!
If you follow the training routines Matt is guiding you through in the course, you will be building solid foundation for your singing skills.
How do I know? I went through the same school of vocal training for 6 years. Trust me, I know!
1. Introduction
Matt Ramsey introduces the course curriculum and explains how to best use this complete vocal training course.
2. Warming Up
Matt Ramsey teaches the correct way of doing the popular Lip Trills and Straw exercises. Students will be learning all the detailed nuances of these very common but often misunderstood vocal warmup.
3. Breath Control
Matt teaches the correct breathing technique for singing, which is low breathing, and takes the students through various breathing exercises necessary for effective singing.
4. Vocal Tone
Vocal training that builds the solid and full vocal tones in the middle and lower range of the voice. In this module, Matt introduces how to use vocal exercises to practice a real song, taking the students one step closer to song application.
5. Vocal Agility
Matt unlocks the top notes of the vocal range with head voice training through the use of effective vocal exercises. Students will learn how to sing high notes by relieving vocal strain and adding relaxation to the vocal muscles.
6. Hitting High Notes with Power
After the high notes are freed up, this training module builds power into the upper range of the voice through more aggressive vocal exercises. Matt also teaches you how to master popular songs by Jeff Buckley and Adele.
7. Belting
After the last 2 training modules on high notes, Matt takes you further into Belting, which is even more aggressive and powerful vocal tone, without losing vocal balance and coordinaiton.
8. Singing without Strain
After the Belting training modules, Matt further trains your voice to sing without excess strain, solidifying the full voice tone of your entire vocal range.
9. Vocal Effects
Matt takes the students through extensive legato and vibrato training, which is the most essential part of articulation and interpretation of songs. This module also includes advanced crescendo exercises.
10. Your Complete Vocal Warmup
This is very special module in which Matt concludes the entire training program with a completely vocal warmup training for both male and female singers. Matt takes you through an extensive 30-minute warmup routine for you to practice every day for consistent vocal progress.
What I’m really glad to see is the extensive Belt training that this course provides, which is something that’s been neglected by so many voice teachers from Speech Level Singing for many years, but not this one right here.
Matt Ramsey is taking students through an entire module of intensive Belt training after he lays the solid technical foundation in the first 6 modules.
If you’re not familiar with Belting – it can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Just recently I messed around with belting for a while and my throat started to hurt for weeks because I was experimenting going too heavy with my voice.
But, in this Master Your Voice singing course, you are receiving safe, effective, and at the same time, intensive Belt training, which I think is great, because Belt is such an important vocal tone that all singers should study and develop.

Okay…What I don’t like about Master Your Voice
However much I happen to like a singing product I’m reviewing, I usually also present some of the negative things that I see, so you can have a balanced view and make a better decision on whether or not to invest in this singing program.
I must say it is extremely difficult for this singing course, but I will try…
First, there’s not too much training on style development for singers in this program. It is understandable because “technique first, style later” is the correct order of vocal training.
Also, style development is such a huge topic that needs to have an entire training course developed for itself.
One thing I really like about Master Your Voice is that Matt includes video lessons in module 4-9 that teaches you how to sing popular songs by Rihanna, Shawn Mendes, James Arthur, Sarah McLachlan, Jeff Buckley, Adele, Audioslave, Beyonce, Sam Smith, Pink, and John Legend, by teaching you what technique to use to tackle the difficult passages in those songs.

Second, the price could be high for people who are looking for more “casual” vocal training. I asked Matt Ramsey over email why he sets the price at $500.
He was kind enough to reply that he designed this course for singers who are serious about taking their voices to the next level.
For someone who has spent so much money on vocal training, I personally think that not singing course is too expensive as long as it gets you results.
And after reviewing this course, I can honestly say that Matt Ramsey’s Master Your Voice will do just that!!!
The Pros and Cons at a glance…
This has been a very thorough review on Master Your Voice. Let me sum it up with giving you all the Pros and Cons at a glance:
- 10 extensive training modules on essential vocal issues.
- Most safe, reliable, and effective vocal methodology.
- More than 60 HD video lessons and audio training tracks.
- Taught by master voice teacher Matt Ramsey himself.
- Designed for serious singers determined to take their voices to the next level.
- Lifetime access.
- Payment plans available.
- 30-Day “5-Note” Gain Guarantee.
- Not much style development training.
- Price can be high for people who are not as serious.
Finally, My Conclusion about Master Your Voice…
Should you invest in Matt Ramsey’s Singing Course Master Your Voice? That would be a hard question to answer. It really depends on your situation.
If you are determined to train your voice and became a great singer, then YES, THIS IS THE SINGING COURSE FOR YOU!!!
Believe me – if you are willing to make this important investment to train your voice, you will USE IT and get most results out of this course!!! Because…you give your best effort to make every penny count.
On the other hand, if you are just singing for fun and want to see if you could get a quick fix, then no – this singing course is not for you! It’s too much to invest for just a fun hobby.
If you have any questions, comment below. I’ll be happy to discuss with you!
To great singing,