8 Useful Tips on How to Sing Less Breathy – Sing Like a Pro!
Do you find yourself constantly struggling with having a breathy sound while you sing?
If so, you’re not alone, because many singers have this same problem.
Yes, it is a vocal problem that happens in a lot of amateur singers.
In this post, we will discuss 8 tips on how to sing less breathy that will help you to produce a more superior voice and sing like a pro!
These include some helpful exercises that you can do to improve your singing technique.
So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!
What is breathiness and why does it occur in singers?
Breathiness is a common problem among singers. It can be caused by several factors, including incorrect singing technique, poor breath support, or even allergies.
When you sing, your vocal cords vibrate to create sound.
The air that you exhale passes over your vocal cords and makes them vibrate faster, which produces a higher pitch.
If you don’t support your breath properly, air will escape through your mouth or nose instead of vibrating through your vocal cords, causing a drop in pitch and volume.
In addition, if you have allergies or other respiratory problems, it can be difficult to control your breathing, and this can also lead to breathiness in your voice.
This is different than the stylistic breathy tone that we hear in pop singing.
Involuntary breathiness is a vocal problem that has to be fixed, because the sound that is produced will not be pleasant to hear.
How can you tell if you’re singing too breathy?
There are a few signs that you may be singing too breathy.
If you find yourself constantly losing pitch or your voice sounds thin and unstable, these are both signs that you need to work on your breath control.
In addition, if you find it difficult to sing for long periods of time without taking a break, this is also a sign of breathiness.
So, how can you fix the problem?
Here are eight tips that should help you to sing less breathy:
Tip #1- Relax your body
The first step to singing less breathy is to relax your body. This may seem like common sense, but it’s often overlooked.
When you’re tense, your vocal cords are also tense, which can lead to a breathy sound.
So, take a deep breath and try to relax your muscles. You should feel your shoulders drop, your chest relaxed, and your belly expand as you inhale.

Tip #2- Open your mouth
Another tip on how to sing less breathy is to open your mouth more. This will help you to project your voice and produce a fuller sound.
When your mouth is open, your vocal cords can vibrate more freely, resulting in a richer tone.
This creates a positive feedback of acoustic energy that is sent back down to your vocal cords which helps to create better cord closure.
Tip #3- Warm up
It’s important to warm up your vocal cords before you sing.
This will help to prevent strain and injury, because it ensures proper cord closure which prevent air leaking from your vocal cords.
There are a variety of exercises you can do to warm up your voice. Try humming or singing scales. You can also try trills or lip rolls.
Listen to vocal coach Jaime Vendera explain why warm-ups are so important and how to do it:
Tip #4- Use proper breath support
One of the main causes of a breathy voice is improper breath support.
When you sing, you should be using your abdominal muscles to support your breath.
Believe it or not, the abdominal muscles help to control the airflow in your lungs.
To use proper breath support, place one hand on your stomach and breathe in. You should feel your stomach expand as you inhale.
Then, exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth.
As you exhale, you should feel your stomach muscles bearing down.
When you feel your stomach applying downward pressure, you’re using proper breath support.
Tip #5- Avoid excessive air pressure
Excessive phonation is another common cause of a breathy voice. This occurs when you use too much air pressure when you sing.
This can cause your vocal cords to vibrate improperly, because the vocal cords are not able to adduct at a proper tension, which may cause breathiness while singing.
Tip #6- Place your tongue correctly
Another tip for singing less breathy is to place your tongue correctly.
When you sing more contemporary styles, like Pop or Jazz, your tongue should be positioned behind your teeth, which produces a more conversational tone.
If you want a fuller sound to sing classical music, you can retract or arch your tongue as it will create more space in the back of the mouth(pharynx) where the voice resonates.
Placing the tongue properly will help to prevent excessive air from escaping through your mouth, because when the tone is produced correctly, that means the breath is used in an efficient way.
Tip #7- Don’t push too hard
You may be tempted to push your voice too hard when you sing. However, this can actually make your voice sound breathy.
When you push your voice too hard, you’re constricting your vocal cords, which makes it difficult for them to vibrate properly.
This can also lead to strain and even vocal cord damage.
So, it’s important to find the balance between pushing your voice too hard and not pushing it hard enough.
Tip #8- Practice vocal technique
Finally, don’t forget to practice.
The more you sing, the better your vocal technique will become.
If you find that you’re still struggling with breathiness, consider seeking out a vocal coach, taking singing lessons, or train your voice with online singing courses.
I personally recommend online singing courses to save you big money to get world-class vocal training.
With time and practice, you should be able to overcome this problem. So, keep at it and don’t give up!

There are a variety of things you can do to reduce breathiness in your voice. By following the tips above and practicing regularly, you should see a significant improvement in your singing.
Remember to be patient and consistent with your practice, and you’ll soon be on your way to becoming a better singer!
We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.
And be sure to check out our other articles on singing techniques and tips.