Robert Lunte Presents Foreign Language Singing Courses!
I’m excited to share that U.S. Vocal Coach Robert Lunte is presenting his singing courses to the international audiences – beginning with Italian and French singing courses!
What a gutsy move for the renowned American vocal coach and producer of the best-selling online singing program The Four Pillars of Singing – a singing course I highly recommend!
You really have to be confident in your own products to make such a major business decision. From what I know about Robert, he is extremely confident about what he has to offer to the singing world, and rightly so!
What I love about Robert’s singing method is that he approaches vocal training with muscular development (building vocal muscles) and muscular coordination (how you use the voice to sing), which covers all of the essential elements of training the singing voice.
The only thing about Robert’s training program is that it’s in English! And not everyone in the world understands English, which is why Robert Lunte decides to step into the international arena for the benefits of his foreign language audiences.
Who’s Teaching the Singing Courses in Foreign Languages? Let’s find out…
Well, it’s not Robert, of course, but voice teachers hand-picked, trained, and certified by Robert himself.
First, Robert Lunte’s Italian Singing Course is taught by Italian vocal coach Sergio Calafiura, who runs a successful singing school in Sardinia, Italy.
Before the launch of the Italian singing course, Sergio flew to Seattle to train with Robert Lunte for 9 weeks straight every single day. Talk about commitment!
Now, you might be asking – who is the Sergio guy? Can he really sing? Well, not only is he a professional vocal coach, Sergio is an AMAZING singer! Check out his singing here:
What? An Italian singer trained by an American vocal coach? You bet…
Let me tell you a little about singing history – the greatest singing tradition in history was developed in Italy. After Pope Gregory I was inaugarated in 590 AD, he established an official singing school Schola Cantorum to train singers for the church choir and set the standard for vocal training.
A great majority of the greatest singers over the past 100 years came from Italy!
So…what’s up with Sergio going to America to train with Robert Lunte? What happened to the great Italian singing schools?
Sadly, I was told by an old-school Italian voice teacher when I was studying in Venice last summer(2019) that it is extremely difficult to find decent vocal training even in Italy nowadays!
Has Italy lost its great singing tradition? Slowly but surely, I’m afraid so…
Are the Foreign Language Singing Courses as good as the Original One? An Exclusive Inside Look…
Robert Lunte’s Italian singing program Il Corso di Canto Moderno con il Metodo TVS in Italiano (Contemporary Singing Course with the TVS Method in Italian) is offered through the Udemy platform.
It is a highlight version of Robert Lunte’s complete singing course The Four Pillars of Singing in Italian offered at a very affordable price.

This high quality Italian singing course is divided into 10 sections plus 1 bonus section. Although not as extensive as the original English version, it contains all of the most important concepts and training methods of Robert Lunte’s singing pedagogy.
TVS Italian Singing Course Overview
01 Introduction
Sergio introduces himself and the singing course, with Robert Lunte recommending and officially endorsing this TVS singing course, plus access to instructional ebook.
02 Vocal Warmups
Sergio explains and guides students through warmups that includes physical stretches, traditional lip bubbles, appoggio breath support, and simple vocal exercises with Ns and Ms.
03 TVS Terminology & Essential Tips
Sergio explains the special vocal terminology that Robert uses in his training program and also the concept of vowel training and modification.
04 Onsets
Onsets are at the core of the TVS methodology to train singers. Sergio explains the 8 exclusive onsets (the start of a sound) developed by Robert Lunte for effective vocal training.
05 TVS Training Onsets
Sergio takes the students through the onset training routines explained in the last section. These onset training are the key to solving vocal issues, developing vocal coordination, and building strength and power.
06 Vocal Control
Sergio trains the students through exercises that build vocal control and muscular coordination.
07 Vocal Modes
Sergio explains the major vocal modes that singers can sing in, which includes primitive modes, such as cry and speech, and acoustic modes that includes edging, neutral, and curbing.
08 Primitive Modes
Sergio teaches and trains the singes with the primitive vocal modes of falsetto, cry, twang, and belt.
09 Acoustic Modes
Sergio takes the students through the acoustic vocal modes of curbing, neutral, and edging that extremely useful for singing.
10 TVS Integrated Training Routines
This section includes 12 extensive training routines that utilizes the 8 major onsets and vocal modes, which is extremely intensive vocal training.
11 Bonus
Sergio interviews Robert Lunte and the 2 master vocal coaches discuss the TVS methodology taught in The Four Pillars of Singing complete training program.
Although this is an Italian highlight version of Robert Lunte’s complete training program, the training curriculum is very intense and rich in content, and the lessons are very comprehensive at the same time.
Robert Lunte himself is a master at breaking down very abstract vocal concepts into simple terms so that the lessons are easy to understand for the students.
From the course curriculum presented above, Sergio has done a great job at presenting Robert’s singing program to the Italian singing students.

Not just Italian, Robert Lunte Presents TVS French Singing Course!
Enough with Italian, now let’s talk a little about the Robert’s French singing course.
The French singing course is taught by a female professional singer and vocal coach from Luxembourg named Priscila da Costa, who used to be a singer with serious vocal issues until she started training with Robert Lunte.
After receiving more than 40 hours of teacher training in the TVS Studio from Robert Lunte in Seattle, Priscila became a certified voice teacher of the TVS training method.
In 2019, Robert was so impressed with Priscila’s dedication and tremendous talent that he further extended his invitation to her to produce a French version of the TVS singing course.
And, Priscilla did a great job presenting Robert’s vocal methods to the French audiences producing as much as 95 vocal lessons in this “condensed” singing course of Robert’s original The Four Pillars of Singing.
For every certified instructor teaching a TVS foreign language singing course, Robert gives a basic outline and course structure that the teachers have to follow, but he also leaves room for each individual voice teacher to add their own vocal methods and tips to go with the main training program.
Great News for Italian and French Students, BUT…what about other languages…
I have personally gone through the complete vocal training of Robert Lunte’s The Four Pillars of Singing. Being a professional singer and vocal coach myself for many years, I was amazed at how detailed, well-structured, and effective the TVS methodology is.
Robert’s The Four Pillars of Singing became my top recommendation for complete vocal training for this site. And now, I’m happy to see Robert bold enough to be one of the very first online vocal coach to present his training in foreign languages.
According to Robert, there are plans to release singing courses in Russian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and other foreign languages.
You might be thinking – WHY?
I believe the motivation is more than just money, but serving the great international singing community with one of the best online singing programs in the current world, because from what I know about Robert’s singing program, it is brilliant and the course could help so many singers from around the world!
Bravo, Maestro!
To great singing,