John Henny Review – Best Vocal Science Course for Singers!
I am so excited to be writing this review as I have been a fan of master voice teacher John Henny’s work for many years now.
For many years, John Henny was one of the original master teachers for the Speech Level Singing organization along with other legendary teachers of our time, like Dean Kaelin, Wendy Parr, etc.
Not only is John a master teacher for singers, he is also one of the best “Teachers of singing teachers.” That’s right! He teaches singing teachers how to teach. I have learned so much from his work over the years as a singer and teacher.
Today I’m going to review his very unique, one-of-a-kind vocal science course for singers – New Science of Singing!
Before you freak out and hit the back button for seeing the word “science,” let me assure you this is NOT your ordinary science class. It is vocal science made easy for singers!
You will understand how singing works so that we get true solid foundation for our singing technique through this really, really special singing course you will not see anywhere else. And yes, it is a singing course training you how to sing!
I’m probably the first one to be reviewing John Henny’s New Science of Singing, so I’m really excited!
If you’re ready, here we go!
New Science of Singing 2.0 Review Summary
Product: New Science of Singing 2.0
Description: This is a very special online singing program created by master teacher John Henny that approach the training of singers from the perspective of vocal science. It is truly a one-of-a-kind singing program that give singers complete knowledge for their instrument and how to voice works.
Best for: Serious singers of all levels
Price: $399
Product Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Recommended: Yes!

Check Out the Latest 3.0 Version

The Best Vocal Science Singing Course!
From my experience, most singers and teachers have a very vague understanding of Vocal Science. Why? Because they don’t think it’s useful.
The biggest reason why there are so much confusion in the singing industry is that singing teachers rely on abstract imagery to teach. (I know I because I was one of the victims of traditional vocal training.)
The use of imagery is understandable since Vocal Science was not well-developed in the last century, and so singers have to learn by imagination and feeling.
However, Vocal Science has developed in the last 30 years to a degree that most mysteries surrounding the voice has been resolved.
John Henny’s New Science of Singing 2.0 is the pioneering vocal training system that builds a solid foundation for singing technique through the proven knowledge of Vocal Science.
In this course, we are looking at very useful, practical, and easy-to-understand (believe it or not) vocal knowledge that you can apply right away to your singing.
You will gain thorough understanding of how singing works that will clear most confusions you have with the instrument.
What is Offered in this Elite Singing Course for Serious Singers
Let’s take a look at what is inside the New Science of Singing 2.0 training platform.
Here is a complete glance of all the key modules on the training platform:
In each of the training modules, there are video lessons with John explaining the key concepts about the voice. Audio mp3 files of the lessons are also available for streaming or download. The slides used during the lessons are also provided for students as lessons notes.
I have seen a lot of training sites, and some are them are either poorly designed, not well-organized, or confusing to use. Not this one here!
The design of the training platform of John Henny’s New Science of Singing 2.0 is very easy-to-navigate and user-friendly. You know exactly where you need to go as soon as you sign in.

Vocal Training from One of the BEST Voice Teachers in the World!
As a professional singers and voice teachers, I do not say this lightly – In my opinion, John Henny is one of the best voice teachers in the world right now.
John has taught celebrity clients and singers of all levels in his very successful career as a singing teacher. I don’t think his status matches the number of people who know him on the Internet. More singers and students should know about him worldwide.
The biggest value offered in this very awesome singing program is really John himself. His vast knowledge of vocal science and singing technique are hardly matched by any other voice teachers in the world.
The most awesome thing about John’s teaching in this singing program is that he is able to break down supposedly very complicated and difficult Vocal Science of the human voice, and apply them to very practical use for both singers and voice teachers in singing.

Believe it or not, Vocal Science actually becomes really fun through John’s presentations in this course.
After you have gone through each lesson, there is a certification test waiting for you towards the end of the training. The test will take about an hour with 35 questions. When you pass the test, you will be officially certified in Vocal Science by John Henny.
Check Out the Latest 3.0 Version
The Most Invaluable Bonus Vocal Course Offered FREE for You!
I have seen bonus courses offered by a lot of the online singing programs that are very mediocre and redundant.
John Henny adds great value to this singing course New Science of Singing 2.0 by finally presenting the 2.0 part – the bonus course on the latest discoveries in Vocal Science!
This bonus course can be sold as a separate course by itself, but John is offering for free here on the training platform.
Again, John breaks down the newest vocal concepts and teaches you how to apply it to actual singing and practice.

Personal Interaction with Master Teacher John Henny
One of the most valuable offer you get from this course is you get to ask John questions directly in the comment sections in each lessons.
It is not cheap to have a one-on-one session with him, but he is offering himself on this platform.
As long as you are a member of the program, you can ask you question directly in the comment sections. John is pretty quick in responding with very professional and helpful insights.

Check Out the Latest 3.0 Version
The Most Authoritative and Reliable Vocal Method
I have been studying John’s work for many years now. I have not had a private lesson with him, because I didn’t have the money before. (Hopefully a private lesson with him soon…)
Fortunately, the second BEST alternatives to receiving private lesson with John are his online courses. I have benefited so much from his teachings, and I’m a professional myself. Just love his stuff!!!
Listen to me hitting a solid HIGH C using John’s vocal method – just from studying his NEW SCIENCE OF SINGING 2.0 vocal training program.
What’s unique about John’s vocal method is that he places a lot of emphasis on Formant Tuning, which has something to do with adjusting the resonance space in your mouth and throat in order to amplify the volume and create a beautiful sound.
Formant Tuning is kind of like audio engineers adjusting all the EQs in the sound – he can either increase or decrease the volume of the high, mid, or low frequencies in any sound that’s produced to get a desired color, timbre, or even intensity.

The Pros and Cons
This is definitely one of my favorite vocal training course. I’m going through the New Science of Singing 2.0 course every single day right now for my own vocal training.
Just like my other reviews, I will try to give you the most balanced and objective review by trying to give you the pros and cons of this product. The cons is really difficult for me to come up with, because I think very highly of this program.
The Pros:
1. The most complete vocal science training for singers.
2. Difficult vocal concepts made-easy!
3. Easy-to-navigate and user-friendly training platform.
4. Highest quality lessons given by John Henny the master teacher.
5. Videos, audio mp3s, and lesson slides provided for students.
6. Gives students complete understanding of how the voice works.
7. Students will be able to be their own teachers after the training.
8. The most awesome bonus course on the latest vocal science discoveries.
9. Personal interaction with John Henny – Ask him questions!
The Cons:
1. The idea of Vocal Science could be intimidating for some.
2. Students might not have patience.
3. Vocal exercises come up later in module VIII.
4. Price could be high for some (though it’s been lowered about 60% recently).
That’s all I have for the cons! Really not much negative sides for me. This is a very superior vocal training program. Trust me – I’m a professional singer and teacher!
Finally, Should You Invest in a Singing Program like this?
Are you kidding me? Of course you should – My answer is YES, YES, and YES!
The New Science of Singing 2.0 course is going to give you the complete knowledge about Vocal Science and how the voice works.
You will be able to teach yourself as well as other how to practice singing.
If you think the price $197 is too high, let me tell you the truth – the original price is $497 for this course – and now with the bonus course added!
If you are serious about singing, it doesn’t matter whether you’re beginner, intermediate, or advanced – this course is for you!!!
Check Out the Latest 3.0 Version
This is one of the most profound and effective vocal training course that’s going to change your life as a singer forever. Sounds like a bold claim? I’m giving this course full endorsement as a professional singer and voice teacher. I just love it!
If you have any questions about John Henny’s New Science of Singing 2.0, comment below. I’ll be happy to discuss with you.
To great singing,