Eric Arceneaux Review – Is Elite Singing Technique Legit?
I have been wanting to write a review on U.S. vocal coach Eric Arceneaux for a long time. Finally, I got me to sit down and work on this in-depth analysis on his Elite Singing Technique program presented on Udemy.
About 10 years ago, I first got to know about Eric Arceneaux’s teaching when he appeared in Brett Manning’s Singing Success TV program as a guest instructor. I was immediately impressed by his own singing when he demonstrated to the student.
This is weird to say – I appreciate vocal coaches who sing well! Why do I say this? Too many voice teachers begin teaching BEFORE becoming a good singer.
That’s actually why Ken Tamplin says “The proof is in the singing!” He knows that a lot of voice teachers can’t sing. Fortunately, that’s not the case with Eric Arceneaux!
In this review, I will give you an in-depth look on Eric’s singing program Elite Singing Technique and a professional analysis on his vocal methodology.
Elite Singing Technique Review Summary

Product: Elite Singing Technique
Description: A complete vocal training program produced by renowned voice teacher and professional singer Eric Arceneaux.
Price: US$99.99
Best for: Beginners to higher level intermediate singers and vocal students.
Product Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars
Recommended: Yes and No
Who is Eric Arceneaux? Is He a legit vocal coach?
While I believe vocal coaches don’t necessary have to be great singers in order to teach, it certainly adds a lot of credibility if voice teachers can demonstrate great singing with their own voices.
Eric is a professional vocal coach, recording artist, and definitely a great singer in the R&B style with his superb execution of riff and runs and emotional interpretation of songs. He has a beautiful head voice register which he uses extensively in his own singing.
You might say – Okay, Eric is a great singer! BUT, CAN HE TEACH? That’s the big question and the most important one for you!
I went through the entire Elite Singing Technique course on Udemy. Eric strikes me as someone how is not naturally gifted in camera presentation, but he certainly is very knowledgeable and experienced in vocal methodology.
In his video lessons, Eric is very detailed in his explanation of every vocal exercise he wants you to do. He describes to you the little nuances of simple exercises such as the lip rolls, vocal fry, or “mum-mum-mums” – how to correctly execute, what you’re supposed to feel, and why you’re doing it.
Athough I feel that Eric could have a stronger camera presence to help give students a better impression on what he teaches, I can honestly say that the vocal method that Eric is teaching is safe and sound.
What is Eric Arceneaux teaching in Elite Singing Technique? A Honest Inside Look!
Every singing program has its strengths and weaknesses – including this one. Eric’s strength as a vocal coach is definitely his ability to demonstrate what he wants his students to do vocally.
I used to think imitation is not a very legit way to learn, but I was wrong. When it comes to singing, you need to be able to identify the ideal sound in order to eventually produce similar sound quality.
Being a great singer that he is, students are able to model after Eric and also get a clearer idea of what he’s looking for.
Also, like I mentioned earlier Eric is very explanatory with every little exercise he wants you to do. From my experience, most voice teachers would like you to just do it and don’t ask why. That’s not the case with Eric.
Now let’s take a look at the actual course. The Elite Singing Technique course on Udemy is divided into 16 sections with more than 100 video lessons. Talk about extensive vocal training!
Elite Singing Technique
Course Overview
1. Introduction
A general introduction as to how to use the course and how to get your own singing reviewed by Eric or one of his vocal coaches to get maximum result with the course
2. Huh Oh exercises
An exercise to gently close the vocal cords while maintaining an opening throat.
3. Lip Rolls
A detailed explanation and training on how to use the popular Lip Roll exercise and what the function of the exercise is.
4. Vocal Fry
Another very popular and effective warm up exercise with Eric explaining the true purpose and function of it.
5. Pianissimo exericises
A simple dynamic exercise to find coordination and even build strength with producing a soft sound.
6. Staccato M exercises
Finding vocal strength through muscular coordination with the closed M sound and staccato exercises.
7. Staccato to Legato M
Building on the staccato M and transition to a legato M to regulate air flow while maintaining cord closure.
8. Mum exercises
Opening up the closed M sound to an Ah vowel to bring out an open sound.
9. Staccato Mum to Legato
Using the staccato Mum to transition to an Ah sound on a legato phrase bringing the singer to actual singing sound.
10. Understanding Breath & Support
Understanding how breath and support really work, which is different and simpler than most people believe.
11. Advanced Warm Up – Low Heavy Voice
17 lessons of extensive warm up exercises to train female and male low voices to get them conditioned for actual singing.
12. Advanced Warm Up – Medium Voice
16 lessons of extensive warm up exercises to train female and male medium voices to get them conditioned for actual singing.
13. Advanced Warm Up – High Voice
13 lessons of extensive warm up exercises to train female and male low voices to get them conditioned for actual singing.
14. Bonus: Sing from the Diaphragm
9 lessons to train students intensively to understand and master breathing technique for great singing.
15. Frequently Asked Questions
Eric answers why the training on the use of diaphragm and breathing is placed toward the end of the course and how to build a strong mix voice.
16. Moving on to the next phase
Eric explains when the student is ready to move on to the next phase of training.
What’s so unique about this singing course is that each training section focuses on one particular vocal exercise. Inside each section, there are 5-6 video lessons that explain all the subtle nuances of each exercise, which is so, so important for the singer.
It is the subtle nuances of muscular coordination that differentiate a great singer from good singers. A skillful singer knows all the intricate maneuvers that produces that best voice out of them.
Out of all the singing programs I’ve reviewed, I rarely see a voice teacher go into so much details into one single exercise, which is what makes Eric’s singing course so special.

What I Don’t Like about Eric Arceneaux’s Elite Singing Technique…
Enough with my compliments for Eric’s teaching, I’d like to share some things I do not like about this singing course.
Firstly, the audio quality of most of the video lessons are relatively clear, but not good enough for a major vocal training program like this one. There’s “room sound” that makes Eric’s voice sound a little “far.”
For me personally, I think the sound quality has to be great in today’s standard for a professional singing course. Even non-vocal courses have better audio than what I’m hearing from this course. I believe the lessons are probably recorded a couple of years back.
Secondly, there is a lack of visual aid in most of the video lessons in this course. Although Eric’s teaching is excellent, the lack of visual aid and the mediocre sound quality in the majority of the lessons make it difficult for the students to stay engaged in what he’s saying.

Fortunately, you have the option of showing closed English caption in the lessons which makes up a little for the lack of visual aid.
Thirdly, the course curriculum is not clearly divided into distinct vocal topics such as connecting the registers, strengthening high notes, finding chest voice, etc. More than half of the course sections are divided by different vocal exercises.
I mentioned earlier that each vocal exercise is explained extensively, but here it shows that its biggest strength is also a major weakness of this course.
Lastly, Eric Arceneaux’s vocal method is great for building a great mix, connecting vocal registers, and producing beautiful tone, but there’s no intensive training to build vocal muscles for heavy belt voice in this singing program.
The Pros and Cons of Eric Arceneaux’s Elite Singing Technique
I have listed the major strengths and weaknesses of this singing program. Here are the Pros and Cons of Elite Singing Technique at a glance for you to make a better decision whether you should invest in a product like this:
- Eric Arceneaux is an exceptional singer and voice teacher who can demonstrate the ideal sound.
- More than 100 lessons in 16 training sections.
- Every vocal exercise is explained and taught in details.
- Great vocal training to build vocal control and beautiful tone.
- Most affordable price of $99.99.
- Mediocre audio quality for most video lessons.
- Not enough visual aids in most video lessons.
- Not much training on building vocal muscle for belting high notes.
- Course curriculum is not divided into essential vocal topics but rather by different vocal exercises.
Finally, My Conclusion…
It is hard to believe that a complete singing program with a superior vocal method like this only costs $99.99, which is so much cheaper than the price of ONE private lesson with a master teacher. (My voice teacher charges $150 an hour!)
Although the video production of this singing program is not exactly highest quality, Eric Arceneaux’s vocal instruction and the content certainly is. If you are a singer looking to build great vocal control and beautiful tone, I would definitely recommend Elite Singing Technique by Eric Arceneaux.
However, if you are looking to train your voice for heavy belt quality in your voice, I don’t see that kind of training in this particular course. I would recommend Robert Lunte’s The Four Pillars of Singing where you can find very intense “vocal weight training” for strong belt voice.
I hope this review has been helpful for you to find the best singing program to train your voice. If you have any question you’d like to discuss, comment below and I’ll be happy to discuss with you.
To great singing,