Singdaptive Review – The Vocal Training “Flix”
(Updated: 5/18/2021)
I have reviewed many online singing programs over the years – I thought I have seen them all! But this time, I am surprised by what I’m seeing on this very unique and innovative vocal training platform Singdaptive.
I didn’t think something like this is possible until I took a thorough look at this singing program. It is definitely one of the most versatile and all-rounded vocal training programs out there.
What’s amazing about Singdaptive is the collection of all-star voice teachers and vocal trainers that provide their expertise in every major areas of singing – solo, choral, improvisation, musical theaters, vocal health, recording, interpretation, stage training…You name it. It’s all there!
Enough with me rambling. I will now take you through this in-depth review of the one-and-only vocal training platform Singdaptive!
Singdaptive Review Summary

Product: Singdaptive
Description: This is an online vocal training platform developed by four top professionals of singing, vocal education and vocal technology, providing the most well-round training for singers around the world.
Price: US$40/69/120 for 2/4/12-month unlimited access
Best for: Beginning to Intermediate level singers
Product Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Recommended: Yes
Master Voice Teachers Teaching on the Same Platform – Amazing!!!
The one thing that shocks me about this vocal training platform is the number of master voice teachers that are teaching here – Mark Baxter, Kerri Ho, Emily Braden, Juliet Russell…just to name a few!
These aren’t just some voice teachers off the street trying to make a living by teaching voice. The caliber of training, artistry, and professionalism provided on the platform is exceptional!
Don’t believe me? Listen to one of the master voice teachers Emily Braden sing:
There are a total of 17 top vocal professionals coming together on this platform to provide their expertise for your vocal training.
How Singdaptive got all these teachers to teach on their platform is really beyond me. It never occurred to me that this was possible!

Out of all these master teachers, they have produced lessons and training that covers more than 200 vocal topics and the content list is still growing on a regular basis.
In short, they don’t just teach you how to sing – that’s a given, but how to perform, record, look after your voice from a medical point of view, sing choral music, put together a stage production, even how to do your own make-ups!!!

Obviously, in a review like this, I can’t show you every course there is. But, to sum it up…you get everything you need for training as a singer!
An Even Closer Examination of the Individual Lessons…
Okay, you get the big picture of what you’re getting on Singdaptive, which is pretty awesome already, huh?
Now I want to take you on a closer look at the individual lessons offered on the platform and examine the quality of the training material.
When you have picked the course you would like to take, you will enter into a lesson description page where you will introduced to the lesson objectives, highlights, and actions to take for the lesson.

As you start the actual training, you will notice that video lesson is very high-quality and professionally produced.
Now, I have been criticized that I judge the quality of a singing program on the video quality and aesthetics of the site too much. Let me explain why this is important.
In this day and age, it is extremely important how you present the training visually to the students. Are you willing to look at an online video lesson that’s Standard Definition instead of HD and 4:3 instead of 16:9?
The video production quality will affect how much the students will get out of the training. Plain and simple! Fortunately, you won’t have that problem on Singdaptive:

After you have taken the lesson, you will be asked to complete a quiz and action steps. Depending on the topic of the lesson, the actions will come in written form or audio practice tracks.
So, this is not just a video training that you watch and feel good about. YOU NEED TO DO! The more you take action according to the lesson, the more you will benefit from the training. After all, singing is the physical act of making sounds, not a cognitive activity.

What about the quality of instructions?
Yes, the most important thing in a singing program is the actual content and instruction given to the students. Just how good are the methodology and training presented by the instructors?
I must admit – this is really difficult to judge, because the issue over the “correctness” and effectiveness of vocal methodologies has been argued fiercely on the Internet (Actually, throughout singing history).
As a professional singer and vocal coach, what I can really say is…different methods do work for different singers. I know that sounds like a cope-out on a very serious question, but that is the truth!
As vocal coaches, nobody has all the answers. Just like what master teacher John Henny says, we are all “wrong” in some areas that we don’t know about.
What I can tell you about Singdaptive is that the instructors are all accomplished in the professional area of vocal training. It is safe to say that they have much to offer for your vocal training, and most of what they are teaching is very beneficial to your development as a singer.

Fortunately, with Singdaptive, you are not stuck with one particular voice teacher, which is the case with most online singing programs. If you don’t like or agree with one teacher, there are 16 other voice teahcers, each with their multiple courses, to learn from.
This is truly one of the biggest strengths of this vocal training platform!
Innovative Personal Evaluation on Your Singing Progress
For online singing programs like this, the common weakness would be the lack of personal evaluation for students. But, Singdaptive is doing something that surprised me – Personal evaluation for students’ progress.
There is a survey or evaluation section called Singer Path where you are asked answer questions related to your current condition as a singer. At first, the questions are general, like what level do you expect to reach as a singer, how often do you perform, etc.

In the beginning, I thought “blah, blah, blah, corny…” However, the survey questions go further, deeper, and more sophisticated as I was taking it. I really had to dig deep into myself as a singer to answer some of those question.

By the time, I finished the survey with more than 40 questions, I was presented one whole web page of personal evaluation report. It analyzed the my true value, interest, and focus as a singer and designed a training approach and professional advice to further my training as a singer.
To be honest, I was really impressive with how this SingerPath survery system is designed! It gives you very personal feedback.

What I Don’t Like about Singdaptive…Here it is…
Not much…honestly.
If I really have to nitpick at the risk of being unfair, there are probably one or two things I can discuss here…
1. Not every teacher is good with teaching in front of the camera.
This is normal.
Teaching in-person and in front of the camera are 2 totally different things. All of them are master teachers, but not all of them are comfortable teaching to students they cannot see through a camera.
I’m sure the teachers have carefully planned out every lesson, but I suspect that some of the lessons are not scripted word-for-word, which is very important if you’re not too experienced teaching with camera on you.
It’s great to be spontaneous at different spots in the video lessons, but not everyone can execute that very smoothly, unless you’re the most experienced online master teacher like Robert Lunte who does not need a script because he’s done this for a long time.
2. Lack of personal feedback on the students’ voice.
Obviously, that’s the strength of 1-on-1 voice lessons in which student gets feedback from the voice teacher directly. That is the quickest way to make adjustments and progress.
For an online singing program like this, it is still possible to evaluate the students’ voices through video and audio recordings sent to the platform. The instructors could then give their feedback with a video or audio recording.
👉Important Update
I’m so pleased to see that Singdaptive has upgraded their training platform to include an essential feature that provides one-on-one personal feedback – Exchangely.
Exchangely is a form of vocal training in which you will interact with the vocal instructor you have chosen on the platform through video exchanges.
This is how Exchangely works:
- Choose your vocal instructor.
- Record a video of you singing, asking questions, and sharing personal thoughts.
- Send the video to your instructor.
- The instructor responds with a video providing personal guidance, vocal exercises, tasks for you to complete, and Singdaptive premium lessons.
Watch this video introduction of Exchangely:
Each Exchangely “session” includes 3+ video exchanges with your personal instructors, 4+ premium lessons, and 10 tasks for you to complete.
One Exchangely “session” is not cheap, but the frequent video interaction, personal instruction, and tasks for you are enough to last you for weeks of training.

This is definitely the future of online vocal training, because students will not be satisfied with just watching training lessons and practicing with exercise track on their own.
Learning is most effective with quality feedback, especially from world-class instructors, and Singdaptive is really taking their vocal training program to a whole new level.
3. Extremely low price.
You might think, “how could that be a weakness?” In my humble opinion, it definitely is.
For instance, setting the price at $40 for unlimited access to the entire training platform sends the message to potential students that the content is not that valuable, and they don’t really have to take the program too seriously.
Let’s face it – the students might not get the full benefit of this wonderful singing program, because…it’s too cheap!
This is human nature – “If you pay (more), you will pay attention!”
For me personally, I pay more than $400 USD per month on weekly voice lessons, if anyone wants to know. Here the proof:

The Pros and Cons of Singdaptive at a glance
Having present to you the strengths and weaknesses of this very unqiue singing program, let’s take a look at the Pros and Cons of Singdaptive:
- All-star voice teachers and trainers.
- SingerPath offering personal training evaluation.
- High-quality video lessons.
- More than 200 vocal training topics covered.
- Constantly growing training content list.
- Most affordable price.
- Not every teacher is comfortable with the camera.
Lack of personal feedback on the students’ voices.- Price set too low which could result in lack of motivation for students.
Finally, My Conclusion…Should you invest in Singdaptive?
Yes…and I say that with a sigh, because I know paying $40 for full access, you might not take it seriously.
As a voice teacher, I think Singdaptive is selling themselves way too short. Just think about it – where can you find such an extended list of master voice teachers teaching you at the same platform? You don’t even have that at traditional music schools – not at that scale!
Please, if you are seriously about training your voice and becoming a great singer, take advantage of this training program without losing your motivation.
If you do join Singdaptive, please don’t take it for granted. Practice, practice, practice!
In all honesty, Singdaptive is innovative in bringing together world-class instructors to give you the most well-rounded, high-quality vocal training.
There are improvements to be made, but I think this is definitely a very unique and effective online training platform for singers.
Your singing pal,