10 Best Online Vocal Coaches – Top Recommended List

The 10 Best Online Vocal Coaches is a topic that is never going to do justice to all the great singing and voice teachers around the world.
This will be a top-ten list suggested by me, because I have personally trained with them, or I have reviewed their singing programs or studied their singing methods.
I know enough about their work to be recommending these vocal coaches.
So, if you are looking to study with a great online vocal coach or their programs, you are in this for a treat!
So, with apologies to the great vocal coaches that I don’t know enough about, here is my recommended list of the 10 best online vocal coaches:
My Top 10 List of the Best Online Vocal Coaches
This might be a very controversial post, but in no particular order, I’m going to share with you this list of great online vocal coaches you can study with.
Here it is:
1. Dean Kaelin

Dean is the voice teacher of singer David Archuleta. He is also the founder of the International Voice Teacher of Mix, an organization that studies and promotes the mixed voice singing method.
He is the author of the book Teaching Good Singing, which is a great book if you are interested in learning how to teach singing with the mixed voice method.
I have personally studied with Dean on-and-off for about six years. He is such a caring, patient, and master voice teacher and vocal coach.
Dean does not have his own online training program, so the only way to study with him is through personal Skype lessons.
You have contact him at his website: deankaelin.com
2. Camille van Niekerk

Camille is a vocal coach that I discovered accidentally when I was reviewing the 30 Day Singer online training program.
I went through every lesson in her 30-day singing course and found that her teaching style is particularly great for beginners.
She has a way of breaking down all the important vocal concepts in small snippets and teaching them to you day-by-day. The lessons are easy to understand, yet challenging at the same time.
What I love about her beginner singing course is that it is not dumbed down, but broken down in an orderly training routine.
Which is why I call her singing course “The Most Advanced Beginner Singing Course.”
You can find her singing course at 30 Day Singer. Take advantage of their 14-day free trial if you’re interested in training with Camille.
Further reading: 30 Day Singer Review
3. John Henny

John Henny is a master voice teacher who is an expert in practical vocal science for singers. He has developed a vocal science program that can be applied directly to singing.
So, he is not teaching the boring and impossible-to-understand medical vocal science, but easy-to-apply vocal science that makes singing very efficient for you.
If you want to know how the voice really works and the science behind it, John is your man.
You can study with him through private Skype lessons or his online singing programs New Science of Singing 2.0 and Boldly Belting.
Further reading: John Henny Review & Boldly Belting Review
4. Robert Lunte

Robert Lunte was one of the pioneers of online vocal training in the early 2000s.
Over the years, he has developed an original vocal training system called The Four Pillars of Singing that provides well-rounded vocal training for singers.
His training system includes vocal strength building and muscle coordination training.
I have personally studied Robert’s training program, and I can tell you first-hand that it’s one of the most sophisticated, extensive, and complete vocal training you will get online.
Further reading: The Four Pillars of Singing – Reviewed by a Real Vocal Coach
5. Jaime Vendera

Jaime is my current vocal coach and I know a great deal about what he teaches.
He has developed an original vocal training methodology called the ISO training methods that isolates the vocal muscles to build them up and strengthen them. It is one of the most effective vocal methods I have ever studied.
You can learn about his vocal method through his popular book Raise Your Voice. Or you can join his online training school Vendera Vocal Academy.
Jaime is also available for private lessons at jaimevendera.com.
Further reading: Jaime Vendera Review – Raise Your Voice
6. Roger Love

Roger Love is the vocal coach of the stars. He’s got an impressive client list of Hollywood stars that received his vocal training.
Roger is an eloquent communicator which makes his teaching very effective and charismatic.
In recent years, he has extended his expertise to the area of public speaking in which he offers vocal training for speakers and communicators.
If you are interested in Roger Love’s training, you can check out flagship vocal training platform Roger Love Singing Academy.
Further reading: Roger Love Singing Academy Review – Is the Worth the Price?
7. Ken Tamplin

Ken Tamplin is one of the most popular online vocal coaches on YouTube.
He has demonstrated his incredible vocal ability in his cover renditions of mainly rock and metal songs.
Ken Tamplin has a famous motto “The proof is in the singing.” It is very effective marketing because he does back up what he teaches in his own incredible singing.
You can check out his vocal training platform Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy for more information.
Further reading: Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy Review – One of the Best!
8. Cheryl Porter

Cheryl Porter is a very dynamic vocal coach who inspires students that walk into her studio.
Her teaching style is very unique and non-conventional. What I mean is that she works not only on building the voices, but also on the singers’ confidence for singing.
If you’re someone who has a terrible stage fright or struggles with confidence, Cheryl Porter is the one for you.
But if you’re a more technical and analytical learner, you might want to go with John Henny or Robert Lunte.
Cheryl Porter has released her online singing courses. You can check them out at cherylportermethod.com.
Further reading: Cheryl Porter Vocal Method Review – Innovative and Inspiring!
9. Brett Manning

Brett Manning is one of the most authoritative figures in the online vocal training industry. He is one of the earliest pioneers of online vocal training in the early 2000s.
I bought his vocal training program Singing Success in the early stages of my vocal training days.
Brett’s vocal methodology focuses on the mixed voice singing method. If you are interested in training your mixed voice, Brett is the perfect man for training.
You can find out more about his work on his website SingingSuccess.com.
Further reading: Singing Success Review – A Brett Manning Classic
10. Chris Liepe

Chris Liepe has become extremely popular on YouTube as a vocal coach in the last couple of years.
He has produced hundreds of high-quality instructional videos on YouTube that have earned him more than 220K subscribers.
Chris is an exceptional singer who can demonstrate what he teaches, including high mixed voice and extreme sounds used for aggressive singing.
If you want to train your voice to be versatile and explosive, Chris Liepe might be a great choice as a vocal coach.
Further reading: Chris Liepe Review: Impressive 6 Singing Courses!
5 Tips on How to Choose an Online Vocal Coach
So there you have it – my list of 10 best online vocal coaches.
Next comes the question – how do you choose the right vocal coach for yourself?
I am quite experienced in this area of choosing voice teachers and vocal coaches, because I have wasted a lot of time with the wrong ones.
Every teacher has their strengths and weaknesses, and every student has their own way of learning. It is essential that you pick the right teacher for your vocal training.
Here are my 5 tips on how to choose a vocal coach:
Tip #1: Find out how you learn best
Every person learns differently – some are more analytical, some are feeling-based learners, while others are combinations of both.
You need to decide whether you learn best by hearing or by understanding the theories behind singing.
Once you find out, it would be easier to choose one teacher that works well with you for your vocal progress.
Tip #2: Decide what you want to improve vocally
Decide if you want to build up your high notes, low notes, learn riffs and runs, or sing extreme sound.
Or, maybe you just need to build up your confidence and stage presence.
We, vocal coaches, are not good at everything or know everything about singing. Each one of us has our specialties, and you need to choose teachers accordingly.
Tip #3: Decide on your budget
You need to know how much you are willing to pay for vocal training.
Each teacher charges differently, and their products are also priced differently.
The good news is that the best teacher or singing course for you might not be the most expensive one.
You just need to choose one that works for you.
Tip #4: Try lessons with the teacher
The quickest way to see if a teacher is the right choice for you is to have a lesson.
If you budget allows, have at least 2 lessons, because there’s a lot of getting-to-know-you in the first one.
You will quickly find out if the teacher is right for you when you are in a real lesson.
Tip #5: Move on to another teacher
After studying with a teacher for a period of time, you might find yourself improving very slowly or even stop improving.
It might be time to move on to another teacher. Don’t feel bad, because it is quite normal to have several teachers while you’re training.
I personally have had 7-8 teachers throughout my singing career. I am forever grateful for what I have learned from each of them.
Things to Watch Out For
There are several things to watch out for when you are studying with a teacher.
Here they are:
1. Teachers are helpers.
If the teacher has a star mentality or is self-centered, it might not be a sign that they have your best interest in mind.
2. Test their methods.
If it hurts your voice or if you don’t see improvement, you need to analyze if it’s you or them.
3. Vocal training can be expensive.
Take advantage of online singing courses to save some big money. Of course, if you can afford private lessons, that’s the most efficient way to learn.
Further reading: Teach Yourself How to Sing – The 7-Step Guide
So, What Do You Think…Let Me Know
There you go – my recommended list of 10 best online vocal coaches.
With so many vocal coaches out there, I hope that narrows it down for you to make a better choice.
Let me know what you think about this list. I’m sure I missed many good teachers.
If you have any suggestions or questions, leave a comment below.
I will be happy to hear from you.